Thursday, 1 September 2011

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen and GOODBYE!

Well here it is...departure day!

I fly at 10pm tonight and arrive into Delhi at 11.30am tomorrow (their time, which is four and a half hours ahead). Then it's a connecting flight to Kolkata at about 5pm, getting me there tomorrow evening. When I arrive I'm being met by somebody with one of those placards with my name on it (which in itself I find pretty exciting) who will take me to my homestay to meet the project coordinator in Kolkata and the lady that I'll be living with for a month. She sounds lovely and really interesting. She is an 80+ lady who has travelled the world, is mother to a famous Indian tennis player, mother-in-law to the ex High Commisioner in London, and who lives in central Southern Kolkata about a 15 minute walk from my project and who (possibly most importantly) is renowned for being an excellent cook! So hopefully I might be able to learn a little about Bengali cookery, which wouldn't be hard seeing as currently I know absolutely nothing!

I have finally had a bit more information about my project as well. I will be teaching at the Bustee Welfare Centre ('bustee' is a term for slums). The centre was set up in 1971 to provide milk to slum children, and has since grown to include three schools (one of which I will be working at). Their focus is on education as well as hygiene, health and nutrition and so every child that goes to the school gets not only a free education, but also free uniform, shoes, socks, rain coats, warm jumpers and text books as well as a midday meal and regular health checks and medical attention. I am so excited to meet the kids and get stuck in, which is lucky seeing as  my project coordinator has emailed me to say that the project actually runs on a Saturday as well, so I may be getting thrown into it a bit sooner than anticipated! I guess that might be quite good though as I will have less time to obsess about whether I can actually teach these kids anything (well, only an eight and a half hour flight anyway)!

The last few weeks have been absolutely lovely. The Lewis family have been all back together and we have had lots of fab occasions like Livi's 21st, celebrating Jess's amazing A level results and consequent acceptance into the Royal Veterinary College in London, and, of course, Greenbelt. Greenbelt was a much of a blessing this year as any other, but possibly came at an even better time than usual! Before the festival I had pretty much reached a state of panic; I was really struggling with the reality of actually going away from home for a year on my own, and was seriously questioning my sanity in deciding to do such a flippin' ridiculous thing! I am still in a minor state of panic, but at Greenbelt I remembered all the reasons I am doing this, and how much I have wanted it for such a long time, and how amazing it's going to be. I feel so lucky that I am going to have this opportunity and really privileged that I will get to meet a whole load of fantastic people all over the world. I'm just going to have to try my very best to remember that when I have Delhi-belly, or am host to a mosquito feast, or am missing everyone at home like a limb!

That has been the one bad thing about these last few weeks - the goodbyes. It has been really sad having to say that most horrible of words to people that I am, quite seriously, going to desperately miss. They have all, however, without exception, been so brilliant at reminding me that this year is not about sadness but opportunities and happiness, and that although I will be on the other side of the world, in this day and age especially, there is no need for me to be isolated from all the people I love. So I guess coming up is a bit of a plea...please don't forget me just because you aren't seeing me or hearing from me lots, and please please please keep in touch! I know I won't be able to be in contact with everybody all the time, but it would make me so happy if when I do get chance to get on to the internet I actually have some emails to respond to!

Anyway, I have a to-do list as long as my arm (again!) - who knew a round-the-world trip would take so much organising?! So I guess I had better go and actually do it. I don't have internet at my homestay, but will get to an internet cafe as soon as I am settled and let you all know how I'm getting on!

So all that remains is for me to say a very fond farewell...Wish me luck and have a fantastic year!
Lots of love,
Camilla xxx

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